Leg 2 begins on a train leaving the core of the city bound for Bristol and a very good friend that I have been waiting almost 2 years to meet. This person is someone I have admired not only for his witty banter & unwavering friendship across the ocean but because of his tenacity & deep understanding for all things related to life. Those who have had the utmost pleasure to be in his presence, KNOW what I'm talking about. His writings about whisky are unique, brilliant and sometimes so poignant it reduces me to tears. Is there ever any fear that the people I meet from the #whiskyfabric will disappoint, sure there is! Has it happened during this journey... only once.
So back to the train... It didn't take long for the scenery to change. We travelled down the coast along the waves crashing on the sandy beaches. I became really homesick and found myself longing for the shores of NB, the boats I sail on and my friends. I missed Heather & Vicki, my two closest "girl" friends. I craved the smell of the salty air. Then the scenery changed again. It became green, lush and miles of farmland and crops appeared. The familiar stone constructions turned into red brick. The Scottish accents slowly disappeared & the next thing I knew we had arrived in Bristol. I walked to the library and wrote a few emails, a blog and made a few photocopies. I handed the young lady a 5 pound note and she stared at it like it was monopoly money. "What is this?" I answered 5 dollars. She brought the money over to a co-worker, they stared at me all the while conversing. She came back. "We don't take this money here" she stated matter of factly. Apparently I was much further from Scotland than I thought? Off to a pizza joint to wait for Dave A I went, albeit a bit more confused at that point.

The next 4 days were spent relaxing with drams, a bit of sight seeing and getting to know him & his lovely wife better. We ate, we laughed and we shared. On the last day in Bristol the "Pants Posse" was formed. Jo, Tom, Adrian, Kat, Dave, Dave & I congregated at the "Alcock" for a morning dram, some discussions & photo ops... Hilarity ensued almost from the get go as we all set out in two vehicles to visit Penderyn distillery in Wales. I must admit, the tour (IMO) was not worth the journey. It was one of the worst ones I've ever experienced. Why? Because they are under construction at the moment and the tour consisted of: 10 minutes in a room reading panels including a video, followed by a "tour" of the tasting area. The lovely young lady did her best I assure you, but the information was very scripted (almost identical to the website info) and we could only see some of the actual distillery from behind a windowed glass area. The whisky we tasted, albeit very nice was simply the core range.
The distillery had been contacted ahead of time of our visit however when we arrived the staff didn't know & went upstairs to confirm with management on site that day. Did I "expect" special treatment, by no means, but with the likes of Dave W, Kat P, Adrian B, Dave A, myself and two fairly new people that belong to a whisky club, I guess I had hoped for a bit more "geekiness". Just a few minutes from someones time to maybe show us the new stills coming in or anything else that might have wet our appetites & provided that extra little touch for whisky enthusiasts as ourselves. Driving 4 hours for a 45 minute tour of the tasting area seemed like such a let down, and again I am speaking for myself on this matter. The way I look at it, of the 7 people that went on this trip, our total followers combined on social media is almost 10,000 people so the general consensus from most of us was that Penderyn missed an opportunity to really promote itself as a unique Welsh experience.
So, moving on... the tour may have been meh but what happened over the rest of the course of the day, well that is where the exciting & at times hilarious part of the day took place. I won't go into any details other than: "Eating sandwiches outside the Tesco doors & fake orange tans" will be something I will giggle about for the rest of my life.
Back to Dave A's to say our goodbyes with a firm promise that I'll be back in 2015 with Graham in tow. Off to the next #whiskyfabricRoadtrip destination: A week spent at Whisky Discovery Headquarters with Dave W & Kat P... Ohhhhh, the stories I'm about to tell!!!!

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